Last Updated on October 17, 2022

A new raid releasing is the most exciting time in Destiny. A new raid means new armor, loot, and perks for the loot. When the Vow of the Disciple Raid released on March 5th, it launched with 7 new weapons (6 legendary and 1 exotic) and a full armor set per character class (15 total pieces, 5 per character class). As with all Destiny raids, these armor pieces and weapons only drop from specific encounters that will be discussed below. There are also 2 secret chests hidden in the raid that are not tied to completing encounters that will only award items that are already in your loot pool. An item is in your loot pool if you’ve previously unlocked it. If you’ve yet to unlock any items in your loot pool, you will acquire one of 9 Raid specific mods. Once downing the final boss, you’re able to use Spoils of Conquest, acquired by completing Raid Encounters, to purchase one Red Bordered weapon per week per account, as well as random rolls of any armor or weapon that is in your loot pool. At the end of the article, I’ll put my recommendations for rolls that you should be looking for from each weapon.

All weapons that come from the raid have the origin trait Souldrinker. Souldrinker allows you to gain health based on the number of hits before reloading. This is one of the better Origin Traits in my opinion. It really comes in handy on the pulse rifle, Insidious, especially as Unstoppable mods are tied to Pulse Rifles this season. I see this weapon being a good option for GrandMaster Nightfalls this season and one that I would prioritize acquiring. The other great new addition to this raid is that all of the raid weapons are craftable after acquiring 5 each of the Red Bordered Weapon drops. They will come into your inventory and look like the picture below. To track how many of each you have had, remember that you can go to the Triumphs screen and on the right side, click on “Patterns and Catalysts.”.
Vow of the Disciple is broken into four lootable encounters: 2 “puzzle” encounters and 2 “boss” encounters. The encounters, in order: Acquisition, Caretaker, Exhibition, and Rhulk.

This encounter is essentially set to introduce you to the symbols that persist throughout the raid as well as the Totems. This encounter will be confusing your first time, but after getting into the flow and learning the symbol names, will start to go pretty quick. The possible loot drops for this encounter:
- Submission: Kinetic Lightweight Frame SMG
- Deliverance: Stasis Precision Frame Fusion Rifle
- Cataclysmic: Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
- Helmet
- Chest
- Boots
This is the first of two boss encounters in the raid. I really enjoy this encounter, as it seems to be a spiritual successor to Golgoroth from Destiny 1 and is one of the more unique encounters in the game. This fight will have you split into three teams of two guardians: a totem team, an ad clear team, and a gaze team. The totem team progresses the encounter into DPS by collecting symbols and shooting the correct ones on the totem, the Gaze team will extend the time for the totem team by stunning the boss who wipes the encounter if he is able to the totem, and the ad team to keep the Gaze team alive from ads while also protecting the totem from taking damage from the ads. This fight forces you to fight on three different levels, climbing up in between damage phases, and then a 4th level for a Final Stand. DPS shouldn’t be much of an issue, with Rocket/Sniper swapping or Linear Fusion Rifles. Also, make sure somebody is running Divinity if you’re having trouble with damage, as it will most certainly put you over the edge for necessary damage. Possible loot drops for this encounter:
- Submission: Kinetic Lightweight Frame SMG
- Insidious: Aggressive Burst Pulse Rifle
- Cataclysmic: Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
- Forbearance: Arc Wave Frame Grenade Launcher
- Helmet
- Gloves
- Class Item
This is the encounter where dreams go to die. This is by far the most tedious encounter of the raid, and I imagine is also the most skipped encounter in LFG groups. This encounter requires all 6 people to have knowledge of running at least 1 of 3 different relics, memorization of symbols, and knowledge of the route through the 3 different rooms…all while having a large density of ads to clear. It’s easy to take 1 person through this encounter if the other 5 are experienced, but any more than that can quickly turn into frustration. Possible loot drops for this encounter:
- Submission: Kinetic Lightweight Frame SMG
- Deliverance: Stasis Precision Frame Fusion Rifle
- Chest
- Boots
The final boss of the raid is Rhulk. This is probably the most unique final boss encounter in Destiny as you must be moving all throughout the encounter, even during the Damage Phase. In order to reach damage phase, several players will need to acquire a buff, pass the buff, empower the buff, and then “dunk” the buff into one of 6 totems that is told to them by players who do not have the buff, as players with the buff are unable to visualize the symbols on the totems. Once this has happened 6 times, you move up a staircase to a square platform with a totem at each corner where one player will dunk an empowered buff 4 times as directed by non-buffed players on the fireteam. This allows you to break the boss’s armor so it becomes vulnerable to damage. The boss is constantly dashing and moving, so you’ll have to continuously be aware of his location. Once enough damage is dealt, a Final Stand occurs. Pro tip: Have at least one person run Aeon Swift/Soul/Safe gauntlets and finish the Abomination enemies in the bottom section, guaranteeing everybody will have loads of heavy ammo for the damage portion. This same person should also run Divinity, as they make heavy ammo for teammates but not themselves. Possible loot drops for this encounter:
- Insidious: Aggressive Burst Pulse Rifle
- Lubrae’s Ruin: Solar Glaive
- Forbearance: Arc Wave Frame Grenade Launcher
- Collective Obligation: Exotic Pulse Rifle
- Helmet
- Glove
- Class Item

Rolls to chase or Shape
As discussed on Episode 53 of the podcast that I cohost, Conqueror’s Corner, there are several weapons from this raid to chase. We go more in depth on the podcast, approximately 20 minutes, as to why we chose these particular rolls listed below. Keep in mind, our “God Roll” and yours may be very different, but before you slide into my mentions on Twitter, at least listen to why we chose what we did.
- Deliverance – Stasis Precision Frame Fusion Rifle
- PVE: Hammer forged, liquid coils, demo, adrenaline junkie/chill clip
- PVP: Hammer forged, particle repeater, perpetual motion, tap the trigger
- Submission – Kinetic Lightweight frame smg
- PVE: Hammer forged, accurized, overflow/subsistence, frenzy
- PVP: Hammer forged, accurized, sleight of hand, harmony
- Lubrae’s Ruin – Solar Glaive
- lightweight emitter, light mag, turnabout, vorpal
- Forbearance – arc wave frame grenade launcher
- PVE: quick launch, high velocity rounds, ambitious assassin, chain reaction or stats and one for all
- PVP: quick launch, high velocity rounds, sleight of hand, wellspring
- Insidious – aggressive burst pulse rifle
- PVE: hammer forged, tactical mag, demolitionist, adrenaline junkie
- PVP: extended barrel, flared magwell, rapid hit, rampage/junkie
- Cataclysmic – Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
- PVE: hammer forged, ionized battery, FTTC, high impact reserves
- PVP: hammer forged, liquid coils, successful warm-up, box breathing
This raid will eventually have a Master version that will have Adept versions of all of these weapons, so I personally recommend holding onto spoils until you unlock the Adept weapons. Also, starting the week of 3/22/22, challenges will begin to rotate each week which will give an extra drop per encounter if the parameters are met to complete the challenge.
I hope this has been helpful. Be sure to reach out on Twitter with any questions, or send me a Bungie Friend Request so we can play together! I also host a weekly podcast with my fireteam, Conqueror’s Corner, available on Spotify, iTunes, and other podcast services if you’d like to learn more.
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