Last Updated on November 13, 2022
You might have heard a lot about the Baro Ki’Teer in the Warframe Region Chat. If you type Where Baro? – A bot will reply to your request telling you when Baro will make his arrival in one of the relays in the star chart.
Who is Baro?

Baro, mostly known as the Void trader makes his arrival in the star chart every two weeks. He stays for 48 hours and disappears. Baro is mostly known for his love for those who are involved with the Orokin Void.
When Does He Arrive?
Baro has arrived
- Larunda Relay (Mercury) (PC)
- Larunda Relay (Mercury) (PS4)
His update inventory has been mentioned below
Baro Makes his arrival every two weeks and stays around for 48 hours. 24 Hours prior to his arrival, a star will appear in one of the relays where he will be appearing. Upon arriving you will also receive an inbox message notifying you about where he and which relay he is in.
Baro Location and Inventory This Week
This will be updated when Baro makes his arrival in any of the relays.
(Right-click and open image in new tab for full size)
What are Ducats?
Ducats is an exclusive currency that can be only obtained by exchanging prime parts from Ducat Kiosks that are located in Relays. Ducats can only be used with Baro Ki’Teer.
How To Farm Ducats
Farming Ducats is nothing other than farming prime parts. Depending on the rarity of the items, the value of ducats is determined.
Common – 15 Ducats
Uncommon – 45 Ducats
Rare – 100 Ducats
The trick for farming ducats fast is you just need to have a lot of relics. Run these relics in endless missions with a few friends and eventually you will get a lot of rare and uncommon parts. These ducats can be later on exchanged for whatever item you like from Baro.
How To Make Fast Free Platinum with Baro
All the items that are brought by Baro will immediately drop in price. All these items can be bought for cheap from the trading channel. The benefit of this would be that you won’t lose credits and time as well which compared to farming them.
You can take a great real example of mine for this. I bought 12x Quanta Vandal when it came, the price was 50P only. I held them for quite a while and saw the price climb, sold them later on for 200P each. This is quite a huge profit.
If you don’t have much platinum to start with, you can always buy items that cost low. You can also buy prime junk and exchange it for ducats and easily make fast platinum.
This was my small guide to Farming Ducats and Void Trader Bari Ki’Teer.
Baro Full Inventory
Baro’s inventory every week is limited and the items are rotated every week. During Tennocon players can buy a pass to relay that unlocks full Baro inventory.
Primed Mods Credits + Ducat Cost
Primed mods costs can vary somewhere between 200,000(+/-) credits + 350(+/-) ducats
- Primed Continuity
- Primed Ravage
- Primed Flow
- Primed Point Blank
- Primed Fast Hands
- Primed Heavy Trauma
- Heated Charge
- Primed Reach
- Pistol Ammo Mutation
- Primed Slip Magazine
- Pistol Gambit
- Morphic Transformer
- Target Cracker
- Rifle Ammo Mutation
- Shotgun Ammo Mutation
- Bane of Corpus
- Bane of Grineer
- Primed Pressure Point
- Cryo Rounds
- Bane of Corrupted
- Fever Strike
- Quickdraw
- Charged Shell
- Expel Corpus
- Expel Corrupted
- Expel Grineer
- Expel Infested
- Animal Instinct
- Pack Leader
Baro’s Relics
- Axi A2 Relic
- Axi V8 Relic
- Neo O1 Relic
- Axi A5 Relic
Baro’s Weapons
- Supra Vandal
- Quanta Vandal
- Viper Wraith
- Prisma Angstrum
- Vulkar Wraith
- Prisma Gorgon
- Prisma Veritux (Archwing)
- Prisma Skana
- Prisma Grakata
- Prova Vandal
- Machete Wraith
- Prisma Tetra
I have not mentioned any cosmetic such as weapon skins, ship skins here. They are many and might require another page to cover. I will be creating a separate page for those.
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