Last Updated on November 14, 2022
Trinity Ghoul is an exotic bow in Destiny 2 that shoots arrows that caused a chained lightning strike. With the Season of the Arrivals update, the exotic for this weapon has been added to the game. As you might already know, catalysts are used for increasing weapon features.
Not many have been able to obtain the catalyst, so accurate information might not be known. I will be updating the sources as I figure out more.
How To Get Trinity Ghoul Catalyst
There’s no surefire way to obtain the catalyst since there is RNG involved. The drop source is strikes and crucible so you’ll have to play a lot of it. People have gotten lucky and have got it from their first nightfall that guarantees an exotic somehow (yet to test it).
Also, read about Witherhoard Catalyst.

Once the Catalyst drops for you, you’ll have to unlock it by defeating 400 enemies with Trinity Ghoul. Doing this is easy, go to any Lost Sector that you like or dial the fourth wish for the last wish raid, and kill the enemies. Repeat this until your progress is complete.

Upon unlocking the catalyst, your weapon will generate Orbs on multikills and also gain a tracker. The Lightning Rod ability will now be triggered on getting final blows from any arc weapon.
Note: The draw time is decreased from 716 to 648. For some reason this isn’t mentioned in the catalyst description.
This will become a famous weapon real quick, since the weapon is easy to get multikills and now you generate orbs.