Last Updated on November 13, 2022
Destiny 2’s new season update has just dropped, the update is called Season of the Arrival. The Twitch stream with the dev team with Lupo is still going on, you can check it out here.
Bungie also announced the new expansion that is coming in September, which will be called Beyond Light. Bungie dropped some light on the problems regarding maintaining a game this big, to cope up with this, they will be introducing a vault, which will be used to retire things that are old.
Click here to check Update 2.9.0 Patch Notes
Destiny 2 Is Temporarily At Capacity – What is it?

So most of us are getting this error while trying to launch our game, this has nothing to do with your computer or internet connection. Whenever a new update is dropped, most of us try to launch our game which leads to server load. Companies put players in a login-queue as to ease the stress on the servers.
At this moment, there’s nothing you can do other than waiting. Once the update has dropped, update your game and join the queue. You will get in whenever the server load is decreased. I will add an update notice once the login queues are removed.
Thank you very much for reading this article, are you excited about the new update?