Last Updated on November 12, 2022
Borderlands 3 – Maliwan Takedown update has finally arrived. Vault Hunters have been looking out for the update for a while now, the features of the update were showcased yesterday in a stream from Gearbox. The notable things are; the increased bank size, DX12 Optimization, set of nerfs and buffs and a lot more. The full patch notes have been published on the official website already.
As per the official statement from Gearbox, this will be the most difficult boss encounters that they’ve made yet. They also said that all the fighting will be worth the risk, obviously, you’ll be rewarded with good loot. Randy explained in the Borderlands show that it might require around 30-40 minutes for a player to complete the whole takedown thing. Maliwan Takedown is similar to a raid and is not supposed to be done solo, there is matchmaking in place if you are similar to people like me with no friends.
How To Start Maliwan Takedown

Starting Maliwan Takedown is pretty easy. You might already know about the Mayhem Panel in the Sanctuary. Just head there, just behind the panel there are stairs heading down, take them. There will be an exclamation, head to it and accept the “Maliwan Takedown” Mission.
Read this if you are facing the Sanctuary Fast Travel Bug.
That’s all for starting the Maliwan Takedown mission. I will be adding more guides related to the loot pool and stuff here, make sure to check them out.