Has Destiny fixed Xur’s new home, The Tower?

Last Updated on October 16, 2022

Ok, the title of this article is a bit of a joke, as Xur has been spotted in the Tower Hangar 4 or 5 times in a row now, and we find that really funny.

Bungie back at it again with the fixes. Now it addresses one of the central hubs in the game. The Tower, what is the tower you might ask? Let us try to take a closer look at what is the Tower, what it means for Guardians, and what role it plays in this first-person shooter.

We Built This City

Home of the guardians, where you can regroup, rearm and form new alliances. The Tower is a location in the Last City. It was the Headquarters of the Vanguard, home of the Speaker, and where Guardians report and rest between missions. Think of it as an airport layover, a place where you kick off your boots after a round of enemy blasting and grinding. This is the place where you buy weapons, armor, and even emotes. Interaction with other guardians with the same vision as you, The Tower acts as the central point for any player worth their weight in engrams. According to Tyra Kam, at the height of The Last City’s militarization, it was defended by eight total Towers manned by Titans. The Tower was first attacked by the Cabal Red Legion during their invasion of the Last City, one year after the SIVA Crisis. Guardians stalled the Red Legion troops while civilians were evacuated, but the Speaker went missing in action.  In the game, The Tower acts as the main hub for Guardians in between missions or Crucible matches. It is one of the Social Spaces available in the game, the others being Vestian Outpost in the reef, The Lighthouse, and the Iron Temple. Activities that you can do but not limited to are, purchase gear from vendors. Sell artifacts and decode engrams with the cryptarch, acquire bounties and quests. Store or retrieve gear from Player vaults or collections kiosks. Receive rewards from quests, completed bounties, and public events. Ask other Guardians to be part of your fire team, pledge your allegiance to factions for additional rewards.

We are going on a trip.

The Tower is a sprawling location that most players would go to at the start of the game, and this is an integral part of the story for Destiny 2. It acts as a launching pad for the player and many mundane activities can be done here as well. Have you tried looking for different balls that you can play with? Kicked it to your heart’s content. Play pranks on others by turning on that big fan and blasting other guardians to the air.  Play the Lava challenge, activate the challenge, and play a game reminiscent of the floor is lava. Take part in the ball puzzle and kick the ball to a specific location. Occupied by the Red Legion in the first game, the Tower lives long in the hearts of any Destiny player as a place where everything else is just normal. Various other holiday events take place in the Tower and you will be pressed to miss any of them. Especially if you are looking for that exotic or just additional engram that you can use on your journey.

Fixer Upper

Lately, players have reported an issue where they spawn in the Tower and get disconnected. The error code is called CALABRESE and a pop-up would show “Bungie is actively tracking this general networking error. Your disconnect was reported the moment it occurred. If you continue to receive this error, please consider following the suggestions in our Network Troubleshooting Guide”. Many players have reported this as a major hassle since most activities begin at the Tower. Players started looking at their local internet connection as the main source of the problem but as the community goes, more and more players are experiencing this error.  Bungie has now released a patch called which fixes this issue, albeit the occasional crash, most players would just need to restart the game to avoid future crashes in the future. With most of the hype of the game still raging from previous events, a small respite would be a welcome addition even for hardened Guardians.

Final Thoughts

As the year starts to get to its halfway mark, Developers from Bungie are doing the best they can to seize a hold at its community. Whether its addressing the unfair advantage some players gain from the PVP events or just loot not feeling as rewarding as before. Bungie has their focus on all fronts. Player experience is the first order of business.  Most of the updates and fixes come in small patches, so no cutting off your precious playing time just to wait for the bug to go away. The developers have also been vocal about reporting such issues to make the game more fun. With a lore that is complex and action packed events to take part of, Destiny 2 continues to be one of the first person shooters to try.